new campaign= your emails and letters needed

NEW: HELP OPEN PAROLE with your support letters and emails to Parole Chairman TATE! Starting September first 2021,we will be posting stories and documents of prisoners asking for support letters to Parole Chairman Tate for their upcoming hearings and Tate's review. Their documents will be here to provide proof of statements made and we ask that readers consider helping by writing or emailing the chairman. Before I started this work , I wrote regularly for Amnesty International- they would send out stories of those needing support in struggles against foreign totalitarian regimes and it helped. Now we can do the same here for a for people entombed in a system that destroys them , their communities and families- ALL COMMISSION DECISIONS ARE REVIEWED BY THE CHAIRMAN and he does overrule, so you letters can make a big difference. please help. Peg Swan, Founder, Forum for Understanding Prisons ( FFUP),a 501c3 non-profit,

Friday, May 15, 2015

The Human costs of no parole/supporting Documents IV

Supporting Documents Part V
The most compelling reason for fixing our parole policies, however,
are not financial
As these old law prisoners get older, their continued status as prisoners becomes more
and more absurd and tragic. Not only is the taxpayer paying exorbitant bills to hold people that are no longer a risk to society but that money is not buying good or humane treatment. Prisons are not built to house elderly humanely without building expensive hospice units and building those for people who are no longer dangerous and should be home is beyond understanding.
I recommend the reading of one of the many excellent studies on this national crisis
of the elderly. We can be out front in showing a solution because we do not have to enact new statutes, instead we need to ensure that the ones we have are properly
implemented by putting in place PAC rules that ensure stricter compliance with the intent of sentencing judge and legislators.

From 2012 Human Rights Watch study "Old In Prison:
"Life in prison can challenge anyone, but it can be particularly hard for those whose minds and bodies are being whittled away by age. Prisons in the United States contain an ever growing number of aging men and women who cannot readily climb stairs, haul themselves to the top bunk, or walk long distances to meals or the canteen; whose old bones suffer from thin mattresses and winter's cold; who need wheelchairs, walkers, canes, portable oxygen, and hearing aids; who cannot get dressed, go to the bathroom, or bathe without help; and who are incontinent, forgetful, suffering chronic illnesses, extremely ill, and dying.
This is an excellent study of our looming crisis of the-elderly in prison. Unlike other states- we have a clear and easy fix- change the PAC rules to allow safe release of parole ready old law prisoners, click for link to online study. https://ffupstuff.files.wordpress.comI2O 14/1 2/hrw-old-in-prison.pdf.

Impact on the young , minority and 

poor communities
The impact of holding these Old Law prisoner extends throughout society in lack of finding for all

other programs like college. But our policy also devastates families and communities and yes,
increases crime. Wisconsin is way ahead in this one also- infamously. A few years back Wisconsin was

named as the state that incarcerates the most African American males. Significantly, Milwaukee has

often been also named as the city with the poorest math and reading scores. Last year UWM

Employment and Training Institute did a study on the impact of WI justice policies on the Milwaukee

Community. Here is the heading of their study and its opening statement. View online at:

httDs:// I 3/08/blackimDrisonment-I . Ddf

Wisconsin has highest black male incarceration rate in U.S. Half of African American. men in their 30s in Milwaukee County have been in state prison..
(from, study introduction) "The prison population in Wisconsin has more than tripled since 1990, fueled by increased government funding for drug enforcement (rather than treatment) and prison construction, three-strikes rules, mandatory minimum sentence laws, truth- -in-sentencing replacing judicial discretion in setting punishments, concentrated policing in minority communities, and state incarceration for minor probation and supervision violations. Particularly impacted were African American males.
Notably 26,222 African American men from Milwaukee County have been or are currently incarcerated in state correctional facilities (including a third with only non-violent offenses), and another 27,874 men (non-offenders) have driver's license violations (many for failure to pay fmes and civil forfeitures) preventing them from legally driving."
Study's conclusion: over- incarceration increases crime.
It is easy to see the impact of our lock- em-up- and- throw- away -the -key policy through the younger T-I-S prisoner. Many of our old law prisoners have children who only know their father and mothers as prisoners and now many these now young adults are having children. As most Milwaukeans know and this study shows, the absence of fathers is a major factor in crime in Milwaukee - over- incarceration causes crime. And over and over again we hear from TIS prisoners that they grew up without their fathers; that their only model was the drug dealer on the corner or the movies.
Below are the words of a 17 waiting for his father who has served 17 years of a 50 year sentence for the crime of robbery in which no one was hurt. He has been eligible for parole for the last 4 years, has done all his programming and has been well behaved. Like most of the other old law prisoners, the reason given for no parole is: "Not enough time served for punishment"

"Hello its me Robert!! Im a senior at park high school. Im 17 and I don't have a good relationship with my dad but I would love a relationship with him. I would love to see him at my prom and graduation that's all I want really. I haven't seen my dad in 2 years and I would love for him to come home. I would like to have a father in my life now and I go to prom on May 17th and I graduate June 8. My relationship to my father is not what I want I really want
to see him and I want him to come home. The reason why I want him to come home is because he hasn't been a father in my life for 17 years and I want him here. I believe he should come home because he been in therefor 17 years and its time for him to get out of prison. I love my dad and I believe he deserve another chance at life and you should put him on parole house arrest or something just let my father come home where he belongs. We'll that's all I have to say so i end this with a goodbye and I pray you over look his case and send him, home. Goodbye

We can still make the shift to a wise policy. Punishment is a viable part of incarceration, yes, but we have taken it to an extreme. And prisons have become a jobs program in this country and this is wrong. In recent decades, our society has refused to accept responsibility for its problems and has gone for easy solutions, giving quick sound bites in answer to any resistance- and we have literally dumped our alienated, poor and mentally ill into our prisons. In the 90's the legislature gave Departments of Corrections plenty of money to build and warehouse but no resources to rehabilitate. And the mental hospitals were closed, making our the prisons the defacto nation's mental health hospitals.
Now there's no federal funding, the boom is gone and it is time to rethink policy. I ask you to help the DOC release this albatross around it's neck- let the rehabilitated old law prisoner free by adopting these new PAC rules. Most of these inmates have families, friends or facilities to go to upon release and we will ensure we help find adequate placement for those who need placement help. Most of the elderly are eligible for Medicaid and Medicare and will be better served by those institutions set up to care for them. In turn, the money saved can be use to make the work in the prison more fulfilling for staff as the Wisconsin prison system begins to use its resources to fulfill its rehabilitation mission.

supporting documents-talking points for legislators and others( prt I) THE NEED FOR NEW PAROLE

Good to know/The broad picture
  1) why the way we do parole needs to change
   2) how it got so messed up
    3) costs of present system- to the taxpayer, to families, to our communities

We believe that the intent of statutes regarding parole has been circumvented and parole for Old Law prisoners has virtually stopped since Truth —in-Sentencing (TIS) was enacted. Most Old Law Prisoners are not released until their Mandatory Release (MR) dates and for "lifers," who have no MR date, this policy means they will die in prison. At the time of their sentencing, the prisoner was
eligible for release after serving 25% of his or her sentence; the average lifer was eligible for release consideration after 13 '/2 years (statute 304.6).For those convicted before 1981, parole eligibility for "lifers" started after the mandatory 11 yrs  3 months.
It is difficult to get exact data on old law prisoners as little is kept by the DOC. Here is some of what we know:
1)   There are approximately 2,800 Old law prisoners in the system today.
2)   IN 1993, before present changes were put into place, Wisconsin paroled 3,624 prisoners while 607 waited for MR
3)   By the time Lenard Wells was chairman, the numbers of releases had dramatically lessened. According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, under Lenard Wells in 2005, there were 6294 reviews and 1161 grants. In 2006, under Alfonso Graham ,there was another drop: 4705 reviews, and 688 grants. Each time the pool of old law prisoners lessons in relation to the growing number of TIS prisoners, yes, but also each time these old law prisoners go to parole they are older and more mature and most are more deserving of release.
4)   Only 154 old law prisoners were released in 2012, most because they had reached their mandatory release dates (MR) and the prison is forced by statute to release them if they cannot be proven dangerous. This near stoppage of parole was done without substantive legislative action.
5)   In this same time period the DOC population went from 7000 to 22,000.
1993- 3624 old law prisoners released
2005-1161 Old Law prisoners released 
2006- 688 released
20012-154 released
The changes began in 1994, with the passage of the VOI/TIS bill in the US congress which brought billions of dollars in federal grants to build new prisons, increase penalties and which mandated receiving states keep "violent offenders" in prison longer. This catalog of events is important here only because it helps to prove the point that laws need not be changed to correct the situation as laws were not changed to create the situation. Rule changes will serve to right the system.
There were two federal bills that funded the prison boom and caused the collapse of parole in WI:
1994 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act! $9.7 billion in funding for Corrections
1996 Violent Offender Incarceration and Truth-in-Sentencing (VOI/TIS) Incentive Program

Below is the then Governor Tommy Thompson's memo to the secretary of Corrections Michael Sullivan. Here he is laying out the proposal to block the mandatory release of violent offenders and because legal counsel told him "any retroactive change in the law would be unconstitutional." His solution was:

"In order to implement this policy as fully as possible, I hereby direct the Department of Corrections to pursue any and all available legal avenues to block the release of violent offenders who have reached their mandatory release date."
                  Read Governor Tommy Thompson's 1994 memo effectively halting parole.

Truth in sentencing was enacted and ALL old law prisoners- violent offenders, non- violent offenders and party to a crime offenders alike were treated them same- as if they had been sentenced under "Truth in sentencing". Parole became rarer and rarer. Our prison population rose from 7 thousand (approx) to 22 thousand. Below we include besides Governor Thompson's memo to Sullivan, 3 letters from the US Assistant attorney General to WI DOC Secretary Jon Litscher and letter form then representative Grigsby to Parole Chairman asking for fairer parole hearings where families and friends could attend and not only victims and their advocates
 1997 letter US AG to WI DOC confirming receipt of VOI/TIS money  and requirements met to seal the deal
1998 letter US AG to WI DOC 
1999 letter
 2007 Letter  from Tamara Grigsby, WI Representaive , to DOC chairman

Again, we include this material in order to make our point that PAC rule changes that give specific criteria for release, can, if implemented in good faith, make the Wisconsin parole system work as statutes and judges intended and the public expects: Those who are ready to be released, will get a true second chance.

Until 1994 the existing Statutes were enough to effect the regular release of old law prisoners. After 1994 the statute's broad and vague language and the non specific nature of the PAC rules has been used to craft guidelines with much subjective criteria and with requirements that are completely open ended. The result is that the finish line is forever moved ahead for the parole eligible inmate. Many inmates have begun to waive their right to a hearing because they feel it is a complete sham.

Each Old Law Prisoners is given a "Notice of Parole Commission consideration as he /she prepared for the hearing. In it is a list of criteria for parole consideration. Next to most of the listing are the words: "may include but not limited to" and the subjective nature of the listing gives the inmates nothing to aim for.

From the subjective and vague PAC rules have evolved a two page list of criteria even more subjective and unreachable by the prisoner.

Here are two example:
Sufficient Time for Punishment, (may include but not limited to)
Length of sentence or sentences /Mitigating (makes crime less serious) and aggravating (makes the crime more serious) factors/Reason for committing the crime/Your part in the crime
Type of crime (person or property)/Your feelings about the crime and the victim(s)/Attitude of judge and district attorney;
Another, " Risk to the Public (may include but not limited to)" includes:"Is parole/ES violation likely by breaking parole/ES rules, or for new offense" and "Do you demonstrate good judgment and control?"

We have reports of many inmates waiving their parole hearings because they feel they are a sham and heartbreak for them and their families.

This subjective criteria has resulted in a myriad of what prisoners and their families call "excuses" given to parole ready individuals as to why their release will be deferred yet another time. We give a listing of some of the most prevalent "excuses" that have been endured by prisoners and their families year after year.
Following is a listing of some of the unwritten rules and contradictory rules that keep the old law prisoners in:
Most used:
1) "Has not served enough time for punishment" or "release would pose an unreasonable risk to the public"
Many times no evidence of risk other than original crime is given , no criteria give for what is sufficient time. Our rules will give specifics while allowing more public input to give rounded view of risk imposed by release.
2) "Has not completed programming". The usual reason for not completing programming are:
a)    the needed programming is not offered in the prison he is in and he /she is on perpetual waiting list to be transferred to appropriate institution.
b)    he/she is told he cannot complete till almost at MR date.
c)     PRC and PAC contradict each other in recommendations.
The following are again nowhere in the statues but inmates are
repeatedly given these reason for continuance of incarceration:
3) "Needs to transition to minimum security institution": Nowhere in the statutes is this mandated yet is one of the main sticking points to parole. Transition through the security system is often blocked by overcrowding and also when:
a)  PRC recommends programming a lower security institution and BOCM blocks it.
b)  PAC and PRC contradict each other
4) There are no rules prohibiting parole release from medium security or a higher security level but inmates are repeatedly told they have to be at a minimum security prison to be released. Once arriving at the minimum, the situation is worse: As Gina Barton has noted in her recent Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, there are over 400 parole eligible individuals in minimum security now, some who have been there a decade or more and they are not being released. Many of the inmates are told they need to be on work release. There are a dozen jobs and hundreds of applicants. These minimum facilities are called "pretend minimums" by many inmates.
5) Must have 11 month defer before release. Defers are given arbitrarily and give the inmate no real hope.
less known examples of unwritten rules that confuse and befuddle/and statutes misapplied 1)We have many reports of programs assigned retroactively using the Compass Test and there is much mistrust in this method. The test is given verbally, the inmates are not allowed to see the test questions, their answers or the results. We know of inmates given new program requirements through compass testing who have had multiple degrees gained when there were Pell grants available, are in their 60's have been ready for release for decades.
2)Catch 22 of administrative confinement: this is supposedly a non punitive status yet many segregation rules do not allow programming and the inmates are given extra time for not doing programming.

We have reports of many inmate waiving parole hearings because they feel they are a sham and heart break for them and their families.

