Release Rehabilitated
Old Law Prisoners
1)Short Summary of Problem:
Wisconsin is holding over 2,500 rehabilitated, parole eligible men and
women at taxpayers expense of between 50 and 100 thousand dollars a
year per inmate.
Holding these men and women is breaking budgets of both WI and Department of Corrections (DOC)
and is a outrage against our standards of human decency and the world's evolving standards of human rights. We need to tell the DOC and the world that Wisconsinites DO believe that people change and we have had enough of our state's revenge only corrections policy.
and is a outrage against our standards of human decency and the world's evolving standards of human rights. We need to tell the DOC and the world that Wisconsinites DO believe that people change and we have had enough of our state's revenge only corrections policy.
links to the following on side bar at right.
Campaign materials(More tools coming:)
Campaign materials(More tools coming:)
Rule change petition submitted to DOC Secretary Wall in May Using Statute 227
Parole Chairman's response to rule petition
Look at list On right side of post for listing of good backup info and ideas. Some of the items here: Crime diminishes with age
How we got into this mess
The present system no parole for old law prisoners is corrupting the Prisoner system and bankrupting Wisconsin.
Parole Chairman's response to rule petition
Look at list On right side of post for listing of good backup info and ideas. Some of the items here: Crime diminishes with age
How we got into this mess
The present system no parole for old law prisoners is corrupting the Prisoner system and bankrupting Wisconsin.
1) Bringing the issue of Old Law Prisoners to the general public-
a)ONE GENERAL PETITION FOR ALL old law prisoners asking for
reinstating for meaningful parole hearings and giving guidelines for
what that would look like.
b) Template for letters to your legislators- this is the best action for putting pressure on the DOC and Parole -through you own legislators.
2) Ongoing Blog of Old Law Prisoners: http://parolecases.blogspot.com
3) Many families of prisoners have launched their own petition for their loved ones. We will gather all and send to the powers but they also will use these at parole hearings and to get help from their loved ones.
click to view Petitions by category :Here is a short summary of petitions that are posted and links to their petition. Please sign those you can.
4) MEDIA Campaign: we are educating the public about these prisoners by starting with the most absurd and heartrending cases first- because Wisconsin is the worst for so many things, we will make this campaign local and national
a) The elderly, the sick. 55 of age is elderly for a prisoner since because of harsh conditions, prisoners age much faster than free folk.
b) Those prisoners, citizens of other countries. who are slated to be deported upon being paroled. All are eligible for parole- why do we keep them?
2) Ongoing Blog of Old Law Prisoners: http://parolecases.blogspot.com
3) Many families of prisoners have launched their own petition for their loved ones. We will gather all and send to the powers but they also will use these at parole hearings and to get help from their loved ones.
click to view Petitions by category :Here is a short summary of petitions that are posted and links to their petition. Please sign those you can.
4) MEDIA Campaign: we are educating the public about these prisoners by starting with the most absurd and heartrending cases first- because Wisconsin is the worst for so many things, we will make this campaign local and national
a) The elderly, the sick. 55 of age is elderly for a prisoner since because of harsh conditions, prisoners age much faster than free folk.
b) Those prisoners, citizens of other countries. who are slated to be deported upon being paroled. All are eligible for parole- why do we keep them?
of inmates who have completed all programming and many have college
degrees , garnered before Pell grants stopped. These are truly
rehabilitated people who are needback in their communities. Their
records are good and they are kept in prison with contradictory and
unwritten rules.
Juvenile offenders are people who committed their crimes when children .
Many were given life sentences and the courts have ruled they were not
responsible as their brains were not developed enough to think long term
or consequences. For those eligible for parole, we ask that it be
granted. For those who were given"life without parole" we ask that their
sentences be reduced in a modification of sentence legal action.
example blog we are working on:(not finished)
example blog we are working on:(not finished)
5) " LIFERS"
We have found that few people want to talk about releasing prisoners, no matter how rehabilitated. We still judge people on their crime-no matter when it was done. We have to get around that for many of these prisoners are "Lifers" and will die in prison unless parole is restored. It is ironic that lifers- those sentenced to "life" because a life was taken, are the least likely to reoffend of all the classes of prisoners. And for old law prisoners, "life" meant they would be eligible for parole after 13 12 yeas and if their behavior was good , they would be released.
Coming:soon: data on the release of lifers before parole was slowed (2000) and then virtually stopped.
has VIRTUALLY stopped for all old law
prisoners .
Here are parole figures taken from an investigative article by the Milwaukee Journal sentinel in 2004.
1992, the board released 2,921 prisoners on parole and 648 prisoners had to wait until MR
1993 3,624 paroled 607 waited for MR
1994 3,325 paroled 698 waited for MR
1995 3,941 paroled 965 waited for MR
1996. 3,705 paroled 1,086 waited for MR
1997. 3,637 paroled 1,291 waited for MR
1998. 2,627 paroled 2,006 waited for MR
1999. 1,567 paroled 3,347 waited for MR
2000. 2,325 paroled 4,424 waited for MR
2001 1,872 paroled 4,131 waited for MR
2012 according to WI DOC 150 old law prisoners were released
IN sum , there were 3 ,624 old law released in 1993:before the memo went into effect when there were 7,500 prisoners in all.
There were 150 old law releases in 2012. When there were 22000 prisoners total.
After Walker came into office, even those numbers plummeted.
to view how parole got so stuck, go to : https://ffupstuff.files.wordpress.com/2016/01/evolution-of-a-stuck-system-no-accident1.pdf
6)We are trying to clearly show the human face of the horror that is perpetuated in our name . For details on the program and /or to add your own petition, email or call pgswan3@aol.com, 608-536-3993.
Here are parole figures taken from an investigative article by the Milwaukee Journal sentinel in 2004.
1992, the board released 2,921 prisoners on parole and 648 prisoners had to wait until MR
1993 3,624 paroled 607 waited for MR
1994 3,325 paroled 698 waited for MR
1995 3,941 paroled 965 waited for MR
1996. 3,705 paroled 1,086 waited for MR
1997. 3,637 paroled 1,291 waited for MR
1998. 2,627 paroled 2,006 waited for MR
1999. 1,567 paroled 3,347 waited for MR
2000. 2,325 paroled 4,424 waited for MR
2001 1,872 paroled 4,131 waited for MR
2012 according to WI DOC 150 old law prisoners were released
IN sum , there were 3 ,624 old law released in 1993:before the memo went into effect when there were 7,500 prisoners in all.
There were 150 old law releases in 2012. When there were 22000 prisoners total.
After Walker came into office, even those numbers plummeted.
to view how parole got so stuck, go to : https://ffupstuff.files.wordpress.com/2016/01/evolution-of-a-stuck-system-no-accident1.pdf
6)We are trying to clearly show the human face of the horror that is perpetuated in our name . For details on the program and /or to add your own petition, email or call pgswan3@aol.com, 608-536-3993.