It is an incredible fact that we have many prisoners from other countries who were eligible for parole many years ago and we ordered deported back to their homeland upon release. Why are we holding them? Families are waiting for them in their own country.
Sonniel R Gidarisingh 287108 WCI; PO Box 351, Waupun, WI 53963
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Sonniel Gidarisingh |
From 9 28 2021 letter
I have a life sentence, I request Executive Directive 31
relief for deportation only. I was given a life sentence for a self defense act, I am requesting parole for
deportation only. I have been incarcerated for over 24 years. April 2022 will be 25 years I am in prison. Link coming::
8031 petition of October 2020
PLease help alert the public. I was given a life sentence
for defending myself against criminals who came in a private residence to rob
me of drugs and money and they labeled me falsely as an opposing gang . The key
prosecutor's witness testified that the two victims tried to rob me for drugs
and money and they tried to attack me when I shot them.
See criminal complaint ,hearing Transcrips and trial transcripts of Robert outlaw.(links Coming) He was the
prosecutor's key witness. “The two victims were very boozy and James Moore. They
came into a private residence to rob me for drugs and money I didn't have and
they labeled me a GD which is an opposing gang enemy to them they were vice Lords.
I am not into any gang. They tried to physically attack me and I shot him in
self defense. The judge acknowledged
that of two victims was coming after me in a combative way when I shot him and
he was considering giving the jury lesser included advanced offense instruction.
This is included in trial transcripts. I did not send that.
I also did the compass test this test is given to inmates
and see if they will reoffend I score a low in all areas of reoffending. I did
not add this in the 8031, but I sent all of this to Lieutenant farms Milwaukee
DM, Mr Chisholm, Mr Josh Kahl.
I had three inmates
jumped me because of my case in GBCI. Three inmates that were Vice Lords gang. They
jumped me. I reported this to security and they did nothing, then I was locked up
on AC for years. Security filed false
criminal charges against me.
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Juan Navarro |
SEE Juan's asking for action now:
He is 72, has had a stroke and surgery and has been eligible for parole since 1993. Juan had two witnesses who testified that he was attacked by a man with a knife and he shot in self defense. But he was convicted anyway and ordered deported. And again the system failed him: because we have no treaty for deportation with Mexico, he has been buried in maximum security prisons in WI for 40 years. His niece waits for his release and gladly offers him a home and the support he needs .
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Wendy Mann-Flores, Juan's Niece |
We find that those wrongly convicted have the hardest time in prison= the daily humiliation and abuse is especially hard on those who feel they should not be there at all. And for Juan, who did not know the language well, it has been especially hard.
SCI ;100 Corrections Drive; Stanley, WI 54768
Jose Fuentes is one of many WI prisoners who
were ordered deported by the judge upon release from prison. In 2005 Jose had a
teleconference with a Federal Judge in Chicago where he issued a deportation
order to go back to Mexico. Jose was sentenced in 1995 and has served 23 years
of a 40 year sentence. He could have gone home 10 years ago, for pre 2000
statutes say he is eligible after serving one quarter of his sentence.
In his own words:” I have completed all of my
required programs.I have seen the Parole Board 8 times, and each time, instead
of discussing the deportation order, I am told that they want me to serve more
I have the love and support of my entire family who have written several
letters over the years to the DOC expressing their support. My sister has a
kidney disease and has to go through kidney dialysis every week and I want to
give one of my kidneys to her. My father is 80 years old and his health is
failing and he needs me to help with the farming."
But after doing everything the DOC has asked of
me, it never seems to be enough. When is it time to give up?
And here are his final words to us and we think
we should heed them.
"Mr. and Mrs. taxpayer. What about the
incarcerated undocumented immigrants? Do you know that you are still footing
the bill to keep them incarcerated long after they have finished all their
required programs and long after a Federal Judge issued orders for these
inmates to be deported. These immigrants should be deported out of the United
States and no longer be a threat to society. Instead of deportation and saving
Wisconsin taxpayer money, the Department of Corrections and the Parole Board
are keeping them incarcerated to serve their entire sentence. Again, to fuel the
Wisconsin prison industry and a big waste of taxpayer money."
JOSE GARCIA 305468 SCI 100 Corrections Drive; Stanley, WI 54768 Jose Garcia is another prisoner in a miserable position.
“Throughout my incarceration, I have, and
continue to request to participate in any and all programs which will assist me
in dealing with the issues which have led to my incarceration. I have been
consistently denied.
As I am to be deported to Colombia upon my
release from prison, despite the current policies which allow inmates to be
deported prior to their release, I have been denied such opportunities. As the
process is explained, the Department of Corrections is the final authority to
approve the early release and immediate deportation, and without reason, I have
been denied such opportunities.
I cannot say it enough, I take full responsibility
for my actions, yet, believe I am being unjustly denied the legitimate
opportunities to prove myself and no longer be a burden to the State of
Specifically, if I am eligible for parole, as I
currently am, how is it I am denied due to the fact I have not completed the
required rehabilitative programs, when such programs have been continuously
denied by the Department of Corrections? How can I be denied due to
insufficient time served, when current laws has permitted for review for early
release? If such laws provides for me to be deported prior to serving my
sentence, why not allow me to return to my country of origin? Is their any
fiscal or ethical way to justify keeping me in this State, costing the average
taxpayer 30,000 a year when Colombia will accept me back, as one of their
citizens? How can I be of any threat to the citizens of Wisconsin, when I am
I understand the need for justice and to protect
Wisconsin residents, yet, how is this accomplished by not providing the programs
it requires of me, or refusing to allow me to return to my home country?
I humbly ask for nothing more than what the law
provides, I ask to either be allowed to take the rehabilitative program
required of me or allow for my deportation.”
Lene Cespedes Torres
122605:note: high hopes for release this Fall/ will live with friend/supporter
NLCI Box 4000, New Lisbon, WI 53950
Lene came here at 16 on the Mariel Boatlift and lied
about his age, changed his name from Lenin to Lene. He knew little of the
language and was convicted of murder soon after, in 1981. He has always maintained
his innocence and has been a model prisoner. In his case, with a life sentence, he was eligible after about 13
years- since 1994- AND the judge ordered deportation upon release.
His family awaits him in Cuba.