new campaign= your emails and letters needed

NEW: HELP OPEN PAROLE with your support letters and emails to Parole Chairman TATE! Starting September first 2021,we will be posting stories and documents of prisoners asking for support letters to Parole Chairman Tate for their upcoming hearings and Tate's review. Their documents will be here to provide proof of statements made and we ask that readers consider helping by writing or emailing the chairman. Before I started this work , I wrote regularly for Amnesty International- they would send out stories of those needing support in struggles against foreign totalitarian regimes and it helped. Now we can do the same here for a for people entombed in a system that destroys them , their communities and families- ALL COMMISSION DECISIONS ARE REVIEWED BY THE CHAIRMAN and he does overrule, so you letters can make a big difference. please help. Peg Swan, Founder, Forum for Understanding Prisons ( FFUP),a 501c3 non-profit,

Saturday, October 16, 2021

LAST CHANCE for Modicum of Justice: Juan Navarro, Wrongly convicted Mexican national, Asks for you support

Juan Navarro
136027; WSPF 
            we start our campaign with Juan Navarro
Juan Navarro, wrongly convicted, has served almost 40 years and needs your support for release now. 

   He is 72, has had a stroke and surgery and has been eligible for parole since 1993. Juan had two witnesses who testified that he was attacked by a man with a knife and he shot in self defense. But  he was convicted anyway and ordered deported. And again the system failed him: because we have no treaty for deportation with Mexico, he has been buried in maximum security prisons in WI for 40 years.  His  niece waits for his release and gladly offers him a home and the support he needs .

Wendy Mann-Flores, Juan's Niece


We find that those wrongly convicted have the hardest time in prison= the daily humiliation and abuse is especially hard on those who feel they should not be there at all.  And for Juan, who did not know the language well, it has been especially hard. 

After you look at the documents and details posted here, please write a letter to Wisconsin Parole Chairman John Tate asking for the release of Juan Navarro

Here is a Template:

John Tate, Chairman

WI Parole Commission

PO Box 7960

Madison, WI 53707



                             RE: Parole for Juan Navarro 1316027 WSPF  

Chairman Tate:

          I ask you to address a heartbreaking miscarriage of Justice.  Juan Navarro, a citizen of Mexico with a green card, killed a man 40 years ago and has been eligible for parole since 1993. There were two witnesses testifying that he acted in self defense but he was convicted anyway. The judge ordered him deported but here he still sits.

He recently had a parole hearing where he was again denied. The parole denial statement hamnered again on his crime 40 years ago. Innocent or not, this man has served his sentence and under the law which was in place when he was sentenced, he has been eligible for parole for decades. 

Prison has been especially hard for Juan because he does not  know the language well and is easily taken advantage of.  He is 72 years old , has had a stroke and two surgeries; he has a niece pleading for his release so he can spend his last years with her.

      Please do the right thing and release this man. It is time. 

I thank you for your attention.

your name and contact information

Letter to John Tate from activist BenTurk:

From: BEN TURK []

Sent: Monday, August 9, 2021 12:55 PM
To: DOC Parole Commission <>
Subject: Support letter for Juan Navarro


I am writing to support the release of Juan Navarro. Juan is a Mexican national who has been eligible for parole since 1993. He wants to be released so he can be deported to Mexico.

I cannot imagine any reasonable or fair explanation for continuing his imprisonment. Why could it be in the interests of the people of Wisconsin to hold this aging man in our prisons rather than letting him go home to Mexico, where at least the legal system won't neglect and mistreat him for not knowing the language and for being brown.

I spoke with Juan's niece Wendy a few months ago. She said Juan gave up hope on parole hearings after repeated defers. There are witnesses who have testified that he acted in self defense, but the US legal system failed him and put him into prisons operated by racists for decades. He has abundant reason to be frustrated, distrustful, and impatient with the system, including the parole commissioners who keep deferring him. I sincerely hope you do not continue to harm this man based on a commissioner's subjective feelings about his statements at the hearing. Someone who has been through what he has been through, who has lost decades of his life to an unjust bureaucracy, should not be required to pretend he wasn't hurt and wronged by you all.

Wendy and other loving family members, both in the US and in Mexico are willing to help support Juan after release. Please stop hurting him and his family. Grant him a release at his upcoming hearing.

 Thank you, Ben Turk

Now for the details and documents:

in his latest letter, Juan  explains in a letter that the Judge in his case did not give the jury the choice of a self defense or manslaughter option (see)

here is his conviction story: 

But whether you believe he is innocent of murder or not- this man has served his time. When he was convicted, a life sentence meant 12 years and the parole if you showed  yourself ready for release- that all changed with the 90's prison bill and now prisoners are big money . Juan's niece waits for him to come home. He is old and sick and there is no justification in holding him. 

Here are Juan's deportation documents and he health documents:

Juan's application for executive Clemency:


Please send an email to the parole Chairman John Tate. He will be reviewing the parole commission's decisions and often give people a second chance by overruling their almost universal denials.. .,

Any questions, feel free to contact us at

Kamau at the end of his endurance- Can you help?

 Raynell Morgan 279230, Kamau TZ Damali,

Kamau( Raynell Morgan) with family

went to prison at age 17 in 1994 and spent over 14 years in solitary confinement. This writer visited him regularly while he was in the famed SUPERMAX- the most restrictive solitary confinement institution in the state, (some said country). His physical and mental health deteriorated dramatically but no outreach or complaining helped. Finally, when he began complaining loudly about bugs crawling on him and he was bleeding from constant hand washing and scrubbing and a host of other symptoms arose, he was transferred to another institution and slowly transitioned to general population. All his symptoms are typical of prisoners held in long term solitary. ( (see expert reports on solitary:

Until recently he still had many of his symptoms but kept them at bay with language learning and other focused activities-He has not had a conduct report since 2010. He started to  work on release and his parole with the intention of starting a nonprofit to help others in similar situations. 

But everything is at risk now and even his life is in danger. The present crisis began when he was put in a double cell after all these years of single celling either in solitary and lately in general. He stopped sleeping, afraid he would be attacked by his cell mate. In response to what he calls a minor infraction ( an argument ), he was given a major conduct report and put back in solitary. He believes this conduct report is an attempt by the DOC to derail his parole- and with it his hope for the future. 

His weaknesses are his  phobias: He requires his food be packaged, he must wear gloves and he cannot drink tap water . because in his years of solitary, he acquired deep  germ phobia and a belief that his food and water is tampered with..

Now he is in big trouble> All his symptoms are back full blown. Some of his special needs are being honored ( wrapped sandwiches and ensure)  but not the most important one- he is not being given bottled water which in general population he would buy on canteen. He is so dry he cannot keep his food down and has lost 20 pounds. The ensure is not enough liquid despite the Special Needs Committee's assurances. This committee oversees health care outlays in the DOC and according to Kamau, has no health professional on it. What in the world is the matter that this man cannot have his water? 

Kamau is at the end of his endurance- he needs home and family and work activities that help him focus and make him feel fulfilled. He applied for a pardon but Governor Evers nixed all pardons for prisoners and also filed for compassionate release, which is also not available to old law prisoners ( those convicted of crimes committed before 2000. ( we are appealing the general compassionate release denial in court) .

We ask  you to write Chairman Tate in support for parole for Raynell Morgan. Ask the chairman to evaluate Raynell on his years of conduct report free living and his stalwart struggle to regain mental balance after 14 years of solitary torture. although the noises in his head ("snap crackle pop" he calls then) and bugs crawling will probably always be there, with family love and access to the loving power of nature, he will heal and learn to keep the symptoms that remain way in the background. 

Prison as nothing to offer Kamau, no one benefits form his continued entombment and he himself thinks he will die soon under present circumstances. He has much to give to the world . some of his writing are linked at end of this post.

here is template to cut and paste and send to Chairman Tate:

Template for letter to Parole Chairman John Tate

To John Tate,  Chairman

Parole Commission

PO Box 7960;

Madison, WI 53707

                                parole for Raynell Morgan 279380 .

I am writing in support of parole for Raynell Morgan.  He was incarcerated as a juvenile and spent 14 years in intolerable solitary confinement, acquiring all the classic symptoms of people too long confined alone . The world is waking up to both the  detrimental effects of solitary and the injustice of waving juveniles into adult court- their brains are not developed enough to comprehend the effects of their deeds. 

Raynell Morgan ( Kamau from here forward) is a victim of both-solitary confinement torture and unjust conviction of juveniles. I ask  you to give him a chance to really heal- to be back with his family and to be able to engage in meaningful activities. All this will heal him. He has not had a conduct report since 2010 and believes this recent conduct report is an attempt to derail his release. 

Raynell has weakness and phobias yes, but they will be better managed while out, where he can get the support he needs. The WI DOC has done enough to this man. Please give him his freedom. 

your name and address

more reading: 

Kamau's story in his own words in a letter to Governor Evers: :

2019 parole decision:

 His bid for a pardon along with 126 others- the response was to block all prisoners from parole- only those out for at least 5 years can be pardoned,

Letter from Kamau's aunt to Chairman Tate:

FFUP to Chairman Tate in support of compassionate Release 2019

some of his writings

10 selections :

some writings by title: 

Life After segregation:

 Breaking america;s Chains:

The psychology of the N word:

Dear Woman:

The 14 Principals:

Dominic Marak, Dying of cancer, is denied Compassionate Release

Dominic Marak in 2018 with his mother and father

Dominic Marak has  few months to live. He has incurable cancer and at this writing, all treatments to cure have stopped and he is on the prison' version of hospice care. We are asking you to write or email Chairman Tate to ask him to release Dominic to his home or  a facility where family and friends can be with him as they will. Dominic has applied for compassionate release but has been denied because of an awesome misreading of the procedure that would have allowed him release. 

After reading the documents and letters below, please write or email Chairman Tate, asking him to release  Dominic so he can spend his last months with his family and friends.

Here is a template:
John Tate, Parole Chairman
Parole Commission
PO Box 7960
Madison, WI 53707

               Re: Release Dominic Marak 152875; OSCI PO BOX 3310;Oshkosh, WI 54903



Dominic Marak has a few months to live. He is dying of terminal cancer. His doctors have gone through all possible remediations, the cancer aggressively returns and he is now on palliative care. He wants above all to be with his family in his last months, which will be brutally painful.

Dominic is 55, has been in prison 22 years. Here is his explanation: “I have been behind bars since February 20th, 1999 for a series of crimes meeting underage females on line. The crimes range from actual sexual intercourse to a kiss on the cheek with sexually suggestive talk(20 years). When I came to prison I was mad at the world and blamed everybody for my imprisonment but the true culprit: myself. One day, I looked in a mirror and wondered what happened to me. I had once been a good human being and devolved into a human piece of trash. From that day on, I worked to become the man I am today.”

He applied for Compassionate Release through Executive Directive 31 and was denied because he has served more time than25% of his sentence. There was no question of the nature of his cancer or his readiness for release.

This is absurd and this is a gross misreading of Executive Directive #31.   You are Dominic's only chance here for he will not live till his parole date next June. He  needs your  help now. I can see no rational explanation for this denial. Where is the parole Commission's humanity? Please Help. 
your name and contact information

Here is Dominic's Story in his own words:

Dominic Marak 152875 OSCI,

         BD1965. 55 years old, eligible for parole since 2016/From June 2021 Letter  

       My name is Dominic Marak.  I am 55 years old and a prisoner confined in the Red Granite prison (now in OSCI). I have been behind bars since February 20th, 1999 for a series of crimes meeting underage females on line. The crimes range from actual sexual  intercourse to a kiss on the cheek with sexually suggestive  talk(20  years).

          When I came to prison I was mad at the world and blamed everybody for my imprisonment but the  true culprit: myself. One day, I looked in a mirror and wondered what happened to me. I had once been a  good human being and devolved into a human piece of trash. From that day on, I worked to become the  man I am today.

          I'm a good, decent, lawful citizen, who despite being imprisoned, works through prison’s hurdles to give back to his community.

         In late December of 2019, after 20 years in a maximum security prison I was transferred to Red Granite. Within six months I began to feel ill   In October 2, 2019 I was diagnosed with TP53 mantle cell lymphoma, an incurable, highly aggressive cancer with median life expectancy of 18 months. By the time the DOC finally got me diagnosed (initially they treated me for Constipation), I was in a wheelchair, diapers, unable to stand to shower, and requiring help to get dressed. UW health diagnosed me as being malnourished and suffering from a protein deficiency, despite being under DOC care the entire time.

The pain and suffering I was in during was more than I ever believed a human being could endure. It is beyond putting into words

          on October 23rd 2019, I was emergency admitted to UW Health to stabilize me prior to beginning treatment. After being returned to prison I was put in several various stages of solitary confinement for my own benefit, before being transferred to the Infirmary at the Dodge prison> While at Dodge I was held in a cell for two months with a state issued TV and no property.

          When my health improved I was returned to Red Granite in early January 2020, where I continued to replace on and off in solitary confinement for my own health.

UW gave me 3 directives: put on and keep on weight, exercise; keep clean. I was back to running and lifting weights on a daily basis. I had achieved full remission.

         While in solitary confinement in the summer of 2020 for leaving the prison for medical treatments, I learned I fell out of remission. Within weeks tumors began to pop up all over my head, neck and face, while others were detected through my body with a PET scan.

         A tumor near my near my right eye began pressing on my optical nerve blurring my vision requiring a pass to be worn over my right eye. We began a new series of  treatments and I received partial remission.  I relapsed in October but asked to be to hold off for the next line of treatment until after the holidays I wanted to enjoy Christmas and be with friends.. By the time we began the next treatment I was but a lump of flesh in a bed in incredible pain.

          Tumors in my sinus cavities kept me in pain and in bed except to get medication. After another stay at UW health and more solitary confinement because I had left the prison for medical reasons, I again achieved partial remission. CART-cell therapy was then planned because the team at UW realized how quickly my cancer mutated beyond every treatment. in April 2021 I underwent CART- cell therapy. on June 1st UW determined the treatment failed and having run out of ways to fight this disease switch to palliative care,

             I have too much throughout my body and it has been detected in my central nervous system. I have a tumor's mass on my neck pressing down on the nerves feeding my right shoulder and arm and fingers. this has caused severe pain, since improved through steroids, numbness, tingling, loss of range of motion, and extreme loss of strength.

           I am struggling to brush my teeth and hair, shave, bathe, dressing can be difficult and I require help cleaning up after myself. But I can still run because I don't need to use my right arm.

Because we no longer have any avenue to treat the cancer, I will quickly revert to my 2019 state. Constant extreme pain, inability to eat, wheelchair, diapers, requiring aid to do almost everything.

.From 10 9 21 letter

As I told you before, I'm on a decline. I was placed in the long term care(LTC) unit on Monday. I can no longer function on my own. They changed my diapers.

I am paralyzed below the waist. We need to get all this in motion prior to me dying. The nurse says things will continue advancing and when I nod out, which I do frequently, I will just go into a coma.

I hope that it is peaceful.

thank you again for joining me on this journey on this fight. Mustafa too,

The Atheist, the Muslim and you never said what you were. I wish they could see how people can get along regardless of belief.


 love, Dominic


Affidavit of physician attesting to Dominic Marak's condition:

Below is the executive order #31,compassionate release for old law prisoners ( those convicted before truth ( TIS) in sentencing was passed)

and the parole commission's denial and Dominic's complaint:

FFUP's letter to Chairman Tate:

Parole Commission's explanation of denial.( note: with this explanation NO OLD LAW prisoners are eligible for compassionate release since all, by definition, have served at least 25% of their time)

 Now in a heroic effort to help many of the nearly 3000 prisoners stuck in limbo, long ready and eligible for release but denied. He is filing a lawsuit asking the court to force the DOC  to review their interpretation of Executive order 31 so that those old law prisoners it addresses, are eligible for release when extraordinary circumstances confront them. He will not live for the long court struggle that will surely ensue so asks that his estate keep the case going after his death. This, he feels , is one way he can  give back.

rough draft of suit about to be filed ( 1021)
