new campaign= your emails and letters needed

NEW: HELP OPEN PAROLE with your support letters and emails to Parole Chairman TATE! Starting September first 2021,we will be posting stories and documents of prisoners asking for support letters to Parole Chairman Tate for their upcoming hearings and Tate's review. Their documents will be here to provide proof of statements made and we ask that readers consider helping by writing or emailing the chairman. Before I started this work , I wrote regularly for Amnesty International- they would send out stories of those needing support in struggles against foreign totalitarian regimes and it helped. Now we can do the same here for a for people entombed in a system that destroys them , their communities and families- ALL COMMISSION DECISIONS ARE REVIEWED BY THE CHAIRMAN and he does overrule, so you letters can make a big difference. please help. Peg Swan, Founder, Forum for Understanding Prisons ( FFUP),a 501c3 non-profit,

Saturday, June 26, 2021

2019 _)ST GUT PUNCHED, a Promise Betrayed

NO Prisoners will be paroled by Governor Evers: June 26th 2019 Post

No prisoners will be eligible for pardon under Tony Evers’ new pardon advisory board guidelines. Governor Evers and Mandela Barnes made it seem like the parole board would bring long-awaited relief to incarcerated people. While revealing the order creating the board, they made statements and social media posts about Wisconsin's high incarceration rate and told the press “we believe in forgiveness and the power of redemtion” which made headlines across the state. Unfortunately, that forgiveness does not extend as far as it might seem.
You don’t have to look beyond the first page of Governors Evers’ newpardon application to see the betrayal. After a year of talking about dramatically reducing prison population and then months of back and forth between the governor’s transition team and the public; and after hundreds of prisoners submitted their heart-rending stories about indefinite delay of release, the new pardon application comes out with these fateful words:
Eligibility: You are eligible for a pardon only if all of the following conditions apply to you:
1. You are seeking a pardon for a Wisconsin felony conviction.
2. You have completed your entire sentence at least five (5) years ago. This means you:
Completed all confinement; and
Completed supervised release (e.g., probation, parole, or extended supervision).”
website containing pardon application:

So, who benefits here? Those who are past supervision (not “on paper”) already can vote. The pardon does not expunge the record, it does allow firearms but after five years out an ex prisoner gains little benefit from the pardon. Prison population will certainly not be reduced with this limitation.
