Hayes Jackson -sentenced to 100 yrs
as juvenile/Party to a crime |
now know the
injustice of sentencing a child to life in prison and the supreme Court
is deciding crucial issues on this matter.. The brain is physically not
developed to think long term, to understand consequences. There are many
prisoners in WI who were sentenced as youngsters and received
incredibly long sentences- many need to get back to court to get
sentences reduced. Others just need parole. These petitions will help
build public pressure . Please sign.
here is a blog of many more juveniles waived into adult court and now mature
Andre Bridges 248420 FLCI PO BOX 200; Fox Lake, Wi 53933
Andre Bridges |
Was a juvenile when He committed his crime. He foolishly
fired into the air trying to stop a fight . This incited not the quiet he hoped
for, but mayhem and someone was killed. Andre was severely depressed when first
in prison and is not a changed man. His fiance awaits him and he deserves a
second chance-
Here is his blog: http://andraebridges.blogspot.com/
Andre entered the system as a Juvenile, 6 days after he
turned 16. He was charged with First Degree Intentional Homicide-party to a
crime, and was waived into adult court and sentenced to life in prison without
the possibility of parole until the year 2037. He had fired a gun into the air
during an argument between gangs, hoping to defuse the argument and instead it
escalated and 14-year-old Corzette Vance was killed. Andre claimed
responsibility but no one knows who fired the fatal shot.
Andre states: “I have never made excuses for my actions and
I never will. Many may wonder, how dare I plead for a second chance at life
after standing accused of taking the life of another. Well, it's because I
truly believe I have earned a second chance at the life I never had. I plead
for this chance with a clear conscience. I committed my crime when I was very
young--I am not the same person I was when I got arrested. In the nearly 23
years I've been incarcerated I have gained a real appreciation for life and
everything it has to offer. I have not only accomplished everything that was
asked of me but I have volunteered to participate in programs that changed me
for the better. My prison record indicates positive adjustment with good work
evaluations, as I have used my time productively.”
Andre has transformed himself since that day. He came to
prison with serious mental health problems and a history of being abused; he
has since written an autobiography and become a helper to many other inmates.
Not only has he completed an impressive list of programs, been employed as lead
food server, dishwasher, administrative clerk, segregation janitor to name a
few, he has many certificates, an Associates Degree in Theology and LVA tutor
training, and over 600 hours of community service.
Andre's final words:” However, I pride myself most on my
personal and spiritual growth, and having had the opportunity to participate in
the Reach Out Program once facilitated at Columbia Correctional for 10 years.
This program gave me the opportunity to educate and mentor at-risk youth. I am
blessed with an outstanding support system and a loving fiancée I'm planning a
life with. I have drafted an extensive release plan and will present well to
potential employers upon release. These factors, together with my level of
maturity, labor skills, and desire to give back will significantly reduce the
likelihood of me ever re-offending. The community does not need protection from
a juvenile offender deserving of a second chance:
shulbert and daughter
Shulbert was 17 years old when he committed his
crime and 18 when arrested. He was convicted of 4 counts of armed robbery and
sentenced to an astounding 130 years in prison. Born in 1977, He is now
41 years old and has in been prison since 1996-22 years. He has completed
a wide range of rehabilitative programs spanning vocational certificates,
educational courses, coping skills, has completed an additional 30 self-help
Here are his words:
“To give you a little background on myself, I've
been incarcerated in maximum security prison for approximately 20 years now. I
was convicted on 4 counts of armed robbery as a teenager and sent to prison at
the age of 18. 1 will be 38 years old November 19, 2015.
"As a juvenile, I suffered from certain
pressures around me. Consequently, I "thought" as a juvenile would.
However, I do know that I am not the same person who participated in the
commission of my crimes, have paid my debt to society, and all while learning a
most needed lesson in regards to ethics and manners. I once thought I knew
everything there was to know about life. The truth, in short, I was ignorant, immature,
uneducated, impressionable and very much underdeveloped. The manner in which I
justified my actions as a young teen was that, no one was being hurt physically
so what I was doing was okay. In my mind, I could only associate
"pain" with someone who was being hurt physically.
"Right now today, as a refined, mature,
educated, grown adult, I'm able to identify and recognize 'errors in thinking'
I simply wasn't able to grasp as a teenager. When one knows better, one does
better ... I now associate-"pain" with anyone who is hurt physically,
as well as mentally and emotionally. Where there is pain, there are no words.
All pain is the same. And as such, the impact is felt the same.”
It is hard for us to understand such a severe
sentence. This is throwing a life away and stating loudly and clearly to the
world that people do not change. A boy did the robberies and we now know how
undeveloped the juvenile brain is and how wrong that attitude that says “once a
criminal always a criminal” is. Studies have shown that the tendency toward
crime concentrates on young males under 30 when the level drops
precipitously. Shulbert needs to have his sentence reduced in the light
of an evolving society and he is ready for parole.
Shulbert's blogpost
Hayes Jackson, Waived into adult court read his story:
Hayes E Jackson #253086 WSPF PO Box 1000 Boscobel, WI 53805
He was waived into adult court at the age of 16
, convicted in 1994 by jury trial of PTAC (party to a crime)felony murder and
armed robbery and burglary and given a total of 100 years with parole after 25
Hayes describes himself and his position best:
“The type of person I was before my arrest, I
was more of a follower. I was peer pressured into a lot of things by friends. I
was always a good kid but got hooked up with the wrong crowd. I was a giving
person with a big heart, I was always making people laugh even when I knew that
they were going through a difficult time.
I was with this female who I gave my heart to
and thought that it was likewise, a young married couple as everyone seen us to
be. Then I got jammed up with the other two in a robbery and in the process of
that one of the victims got accidentally shot and died from the fatal shot. I
did not know anyone got shot because I was in a different room. Long story
short all I could think about was my girl who lived downstairs with our
kids-what have I done-one thought- the second thought -if I got this money she
wouldn't need anything. She was my rock and I would have done anything to make
her happy.
While being in prison I have gotten my HSED,
stayed away from conduct reports, looked at things a lot different through the
way the victim felt if it would had happened to someone I loved.
I have become a man who is patient, respectful,
understanding trustworthy, someone people would love to get to know if given a
chance. I see more deeply into things than many people who were not shackled by
my inhibitions. I have learned a lot to take back into the community and help
the younger kids who are going down the path I ones went down. Please don't let
the word “prison” define who they want you to think I am.”
Tommy Thames 297592
John C. Burke Correctional Center,Po Box 900; Waupun, WI 53963 |
Tommie with his mother |
Tommie Thames was 17
years old, a juvenile, when he was waived into adult court and given a 70 year
sentence for first degree reckless homicide and attempted first degree
homicide. The story is bizarre and seems something only a kid would do. He and
two friends were playing with guns in the basement Tommie accidentally shot his
friend in the head. Tommie, afraid to go to jail, attempted to hide the body.
That was 21 years ago and he is 38 now, a mature man. He has been to the parole
board three times and told each time that he must serve more time because of
the nature of the crime. Yet there is nothing in his conduct that warrants more
time; he has a very long list of accomplishments and only 2 major tickets
gotten 14 years ago. Here are some of his accomplishments: HSED, welding,
vocational and production welding, food production and he has his food
management license. He took the victim impact program, challenge and
possibilities which had an intense restorative justice component; he took a
number of reentry modules; he tries his best to influence others to make better
choices than he did; he helped pack meals for the ‘Feed my hungry children”; he
learned to train service dogs, to help others.
Tommie's story and Parole decision and in pdf file.
Antoine Murphy 363399;red Granite Corr Inst; PO Box 925; Red Granite, WI 54970
Black and Smart
Age when crime
committed: 18 yrs ( 1999 convicted)
Convicted of: Attempted
Homicide;party to armed robbery;possession of THC w/intent; use of a dangerous weapon
Length of sentence: 75 yrs
in prison to date: 17yrs , 9 months
How many Parole
hearings/reasons for denial: N/A
taken and other evidence of rehabilitation:
Anger Management;Tutor
Training ;Grief Support; Financial Literacy;Project
Citizen ;Restorative Justice;Vocational Printing,Communications,Baptized;Attended 2
prison fellowship seminars;Emmaus Correspondence
School;Source of Light Schools;Little Lambs
Graduate;Heart Cry Basic Bible Study Course;Men of the Bible Study;Truth Project Study;Not a Fan Study Christian Basics Study;Anger Control Study;member
of "set up" crew for
Church;currently enrolled in Shalom Seminary roughly 50 credits away from obtaining
a Bachelor's Degree in Ministry.
I have been published in THE UPPER ROOM & a poetry anthology
entitled WARRIOR POETS.. And just last month
I sent my very first
book to a publisher:E-Couragement from
a Prisoners Pen.
Paragraph regarding
"For the most part my coming of age in prison has
led to my actually LIKING who I AM! See my crime stemmed. from my not being ok
with my natural identity (NERD). Yeah that's me! So as a NERD 4 Jesus I'm ok
with being picked on & ostracized.
Now I can keep going in the face of my peers taunts of "stop acting
white..." Yes,it's ok to be Black &
smart. Praise God. So,all these many years later here I AM embodying the Judges advice to "use your God-given intelligence to go far in life."
Even so, being who I
AM,I came to realize that my own rehabilitation
isn't about obtaining the most accolades. I graduated high school & was an Honor Roll student before I came to prison, even skipped half a grade
& have well over a hundred "awards & certificates" from
school. That was then..."
Rufus West; "Lutalo" 225213
Green Bay Correctional Institution
PO Box 19033
Green Bay, WI 54307
Lutalo is one of the thousands of Milwaukee Blacks who were swept into
prison at the height of the prison boom. He was given his harsh sentence
as an " habitual criminal" after being charged with stealing a purse.
Later, he was sent to the Supermax after testifying in court to the
abuse and death of a prisoner near him. He won a lawsuit against that
establishment and that lawsuit caused the discontinuing of one of their
more egregious policies. He has transformed himself , works constantly
for justice and is an inspiration for many. He has been an important
counselor for FFUP.
In his words: “ I was
arrested 8-8-94,convicted of 1 count of armed robbery and possession of a
firearm by felon. The victim was not physically injured. I was sentenced to 28
years. I've had maybe 4 or5 parole hearings since then. The parole board has
denied me parole for the same cookie-cutter reasons: "Your institutional
conduct has not been satisfactory, your program participation has not been
satisfactory; release at this time would involve an unreasonable risk to the
public; you have not served sufficient time for punishment." It seems like
the longer I'm in prison gives the DOC more time to impose new programs on me
right around the time when I'm eligible for camp or parole. I've completed all
of the programs that I was initially given during my 1st few years in prison.
In other words, it appears as though I'll be forced to do programs up until the
day I'm released, whether I need the program or not.
In my decades as a
prisoner, I'm cognizant of the fact that every prison sentence has its own
uniqueness. However, it's hard for me to ignore that since the implementation
of Truth- In -Sentencing, I have seen prisoners sentenced for murder under TIS
serve less time than I have, some who have even come back to prison. For the
parole board to continue to block my release because it claims that I'm still
the same person that I was 24 years ago, 10 years ago, or even one year ago is
unfair. I've received certificates for completing the HSED, Building Services
vocational trade, Restorative Justice, Financial Literacy, some type of
Driver's Ed. class, and on my own I completed the Paralegal Correspondence
Course from Ohio University. I have a solid parole release plan with support
from friends. I'm not a troubled prisoner. I find myself mentoring a lot of
these youth coming into these prisons on how to stay out of trouble. I have
plans to stay out of prison once I'm out. All I need is a chance.”
Randall Toth 180498

RGCI;PO Box 925;Red Granite, WI 54970
Randall was sentenced to life in 1999 for
homicide, which then meant that with good behavior he would be released on
parole after 13 1/2 years. He has completed all the required programming he can
get into, however there is no AODA programming at the prison he is in. He has
completed many voluntary programs and has 36 college credits under his belt. He
has strong family support. His parents' letter says it best:
From letter by his parents, Dan & Diane
" After waiting over 16 years, Randy has
finally been allowed to take the Fundamentals of Baking Vocational course at
Redgranite. He has now gotten his ServSafe Certificate, as of 7/28/2015. He has
36 college credits, and has maintained an “A“ average throughout. He has a
certificate from LSU in Liberal Studies and is working on a Degree from
Indiana. In addition, he has received excellent reviews from everyone he has
worked for and hasn’t had even a minor infraction in over 10 years.
The main reasons he was denied parole in 2012 were, "You haven't
served enough time" or "you haven't met your program needs."
With his vocational course done, all he has left is the AODA. He did take an
AODA program when he was at GBCI, but was told by PRC and Parole reps it wasn’t
the "right" one and they refuse to give him credit for it. The parole
board reps need to talk to the staff members at the prisons that interact with
inmates to get a better idea of who they really are, and how they have bettered
themselves, and why they should be released. Randy was an angry drug addict
when he committed his crime, and he has dealt with those issues while in
prison. He has earned 15 different certificates from programs he has completed
over the years, and stays involved with positive activities. He has become a
role model to other inmates, and has earned the respect of many, many staff
members. Randy is very remorseful and will feel guilt for his actions for the
rest of his life. Furthermore, he has paid his debt to society. He is
constantly helping others and encouraging them to better themselves. Randy has
become a very good person to other inmates who need to talk to someone, those
that don’t have family support and feel lost. He would make a very good speaker for young men
and women who are going down the wrong path; he has done it with the BRICK
program and he felt very good about that and hoped it helped at least one of
those kids.
Upon release, he has a stable place to live, and
a realistic plan for success. We hope you can see the reasons Randy needs to be
paroled so he can be a productive citizen again and no longer a burden to the
taxpayers. We and many others stand by him and give him the moral support to
continue to do positive things, and prove he is a changed man. He would also
want to become involved in the community when released and volunteer for youth
groups, teach music, or help them understand the path they are on is the wrong
eligible and ready for parole,been model prisoners When is time enough?
Randy Rotta ( 80599 , SCI, 100 Corrections Drive; Stanley, WI 54768)
has been in prison for 37 years. His wife still waits.

. Born in 1957, he was sentenced to life at the age of
23(6/19/81) and is now 61. He has served 37 years. When Sentenced a life
sentence meant he would be paroled after 11.3 years were served if he showed
himself ready.
Randy killed a woman in a drunken jealous rage
after waking up to find her in bed with another. We believe his remorse over
this act and passion for self improvement are genuine. He has seen the parole
board over 29 times, received a grant recommendation from Mr Landreman in 2007 which
was amended to a D-11 by Chairman Graham.
Mr Rotta has not had a conduct report for 8
years. IN fact in 2000 Charles Night, the addiction treatment coordinator at
the Whiteville correctional Facility applauded the positive behavior changes he
had made and recommended level V AODA treatment be dropped from requirements.
He has an impressive list of accomplishments including furniture Finishing
Certificate 1984, Cabinet making certificate 1994; Bachelor of Science Degree
from St John’s University 1999. Programs completed include DAEP 1988(drug
alcohol education);all reentry modules; “Inmates making a positive attempt to
Correct Teens Project 1994; CGIP, Restorative Justice seminar (2011) AODA,
Anger Management (2015) He did successful work release between 2011 and 2014.
All these skills and programs plus his supportive wife show that Randy Rotta is
indeed ready to be a contributing member of Society.
Robert R. Taylor 181190
Kenosha Corr Cen
6353 14th Avenue
Kenosha, WI 53143
Born, 1954, now 68. Sentenced to 50 years in 1998 for robbery, no one
go hurt.
He was the driver. Has been in prison for 20 years. Has son
who just finished
high school and is still waiting to get to know his
age when -arrested 41/
age- now 61
Convicted of, party to a crime of armed robbery
date eligible for parole 2012
Reason for denial:release at this time would involve an unreasonable risk to the
public, and You have Not served sufficient time for punishment.
"For twenty years I have been nothing but a model prisoner, I have never been to Segregation,
I have in the twenty years that I been incarcerated 1 Major ticket
and that was stopping another inmate from fighting me. I have taken and
finish all recommended programming and more, I
have held a job and went to school for 19 years. when is enough, enough? I am not justifying my crime, but
fairness is something that I have
not,gotten, my two co-defendants both got ten years they went into the bank, I was the driver, no one got
hurt, and both of then have been home for 16 years and I am still stuck
in prison. I am told that I have not served
enough time, how much time is enough?"
Lawrence Williams III #315678;
WCI, PO Box 351, Waupun, WI 53963
He was convicted of 10 counts of Armed & Attempted Robbery and 1 count of Attempted First Degree Intentional Homicide. Party-to-a-crime to all counts. The enormous 130-year sentence he received does not make sense and he also needs to be aided in getting that reduced..
Here is his statement:”When I was incarcerated, I was 19
years young with no education and no intentions on getting any because I
thought I didn't need it. At whatever rate, it wasn't long before I realized
that being dumb wasn't cool nor beneficial to a meaningful life. After earning
my HSED in 1998, I've achieved certificates such as: Baptism, Workplace
Success, Occupational Communication, Student Success, Vocational Math, Tutorial
Literacy Training, Welding & Production Welding and other miscellaneous
certificates. Now at 38 years young, I can say with certainty that education is
a must for all people, being knowledgeable and skilled in many areas you have
the wherewithal to make better life choices.”
The above statement tells of his changes- he is not the
man he was at 18. He has loving family waiting for him and begs for a second chance.
The above statement tells of his changes - he is not the man he was at 18. He has a loving family waiting for him and begs for a second chance.
Harlan Richards 37975
SCI 100 Corrections Drive, Stanley, WI 54968
Harlan Richard's crime was unpremeditated and will never be
repeated. He is 60 and has been in prison for 30 years.. He has continuously
shown himself to be is a man deeply spiritual and an asset to all those around
him. He writes beautiful poetry -recommended reading:
Harlan Richards Books at Prisonsfoundation.org
I was involved in a spontaneous fight in 1984 where I stabbed a much larger man to death. He attacked me without
provocation. I was sentenced to life in prison at aged 30 and have spent 32
Years in Prison. I spent 8 1/2 years
in maximum security and 9 years in
medium security. I obtained a bachelor of
science degree in business administration from UW Platteville majoring in marketing in December 1997. I completed
anger management in 1994.In 2002, I transferred to minimum security and in
2005 I transferred to a work release
center. I spent 19 months on work
release. In 2008, the parole commission increased my defer based on my current offense and prior criminal
record and sent me back to a minimum security prison. In 2010, I received a shorter defer and returned to a work release
center where I drove a state van unescorted
over 30,000 miles throughout north western
In 2011, the parole commission again increased
my defer based solely on my current offense and prior criminal record and
I was returned to medium security where I have been housed since January 2011.reasons for parole denial: Unreasonable risk to the public and have not served sufficient time for
Golden Gilbert 299928; OCI, Po Box 938, Oregon, WI 53575
Born in 1987, is now 37. Was sentenced to 40 years for armed
robbery, party to a
crime. No shots were fired, No one hurt. He has served 15 of those
, He was
parole eligible first in 2009. Here he is with his fiance'
and her daughter. He has full family support.
Coming: radio interview with his mother
Charles E Jackson 228061 OSCI
1990, at the height of the tough on crime craze, Charles go
a life sentence for party to the crime of murder. He is a good example of injustice
of the "party to a crime" rules, for those who have the least to do
with it are often given the toughest sentence. His three defendants which
includes the shooter have been out for many years.
Charles has never been to a parole hearing. The co defendants had
more information and more to deal with.
45 years old, born in Memphis, TN. Sept. 17th
21 years old (1990)when arrested, during an
election year when “tough on crime” was the
mantra .
Convicted of - Party To A
Crime of First Degree homicide. Although I was
not the person shot or killed anyone I was
sentenced to life in prison - while the actual shooter
remains at large. I was given a parole date set after serving a 50 year prison sentence
Life - in the year of January 1st. 2041.There
was other co-defendant on my case that was charged
with the same charge as I was only he later got those reduces
after taking a peal deal. There should have been (3) people charged along with myself - my co-defendant and third the
actual shooter - who escape
justice due to the district and police taking
short cuts to attain justice.
I never been up for parole due to sentence structure and
it should be noted
this was my first time ever conviction.
Since my conviction
I have achieved my HSED - gotten a degree in building and maintenance, and wish to attain another degree in the culinary arts. I have also completed two stages
of anger management, while I am eager
to do more – unfortunately because of
lengthy sentence structure I have been placed several other program waiting list with a low
priority need.
Adenda on unfair legal rules enacted
at the time that impacted the poor. In the year of my arrest and conviction October
17th 1990 it was an election year
state representatives and another Law enforcement
agents made a promise to be more tougher on
crime. In either the mid
or early 90's the president signed a bill into law gave anyone convicted of a major capital offense, such first degree murder a one year dead line to
file an federal appeal to their
into the courts. This was erroneous
and harmful to pro se litigants due to the fact
that the majority of defendants are Black and from poor low income families. Most African Americans
that are incarceration represents about 75% of the prison population where
Blacks makes up
about 15% of the people
living in the state of Wisconsin. These are poor men and women that are
at the time of
their arrest and conviction can not read or
write or afford proper legal
representation. I was and am one of those statistics.
Charles Jackson's full letter
Truman Anderson #309865
RGCI; PO Box 925; Red Granite;WI
I have been incarcerated since the age of sixteen for a crime I committed nineteen years ago with two other teenagers. In March of 1995, we went to the house of a man who was known to be in possession of marijuana Our intention was to rob him of the drug but the evening did not turn out the way any of us would’ve imagined.
BY ANY MEANS Necessary
The lengths Wisconsin is going to prevent parole-eligible inmates from going home.
Are Wisconsin's remaining parole-eligible prisoners being refused release
based on criteria that is not consistent with statutory law or
administrative guidelines? The level of disappointment these inmates and
their families must feel every time their impending parole date
approaches. These hearings no longer involve legitimate consideration for
release. Instead they have become little more than a date when the parole
commissioner will show up to their assigned facility to formally justify
their recommendation for continued confinement. The actual discretion that
was once used in deciding whether or not to grant parole has been abandoned
in favor of predetermined deferments, that have been conferred amongst
the commission, in the absence of the prospective parolee. These practices
have resulted in perfunctory hearings where the inmate is present, as they
serve no purpose other than to justify the decisions made earlier amongst
Zong Lor 372443
SCI 100 Corrections Drive
Stanley, WI 54768
Zong Lor is Hmong/ Asian American. Born IN 1980, he is 34 and has been incarcerated since 1999. Was 18 years old at arrest and a gang member. Record in Prisoner has been excellent and has satisfies all program needs. Was given a 48 month defer at last hearing .
Identification: Zong Lor D.O.C. # 372943
Date & Age at Incarceration: March 23, 1999- 18 Years Old
Age Now: 35 Years Old. Born on April 24, 1980
Length of Sentence: 50 Years
Convicted of: 1st Degree Reckless Homicide and Recklessly Endangering Safety
Number of Times to Parole: 1
Excuses Given For Denial: "Release at this time would involve an unreasonable risk to the public" & "You have NOT served sufficient time for punishment".
Programs taken: Successfully completed H.S.E..D. & Voc. Ed. Statement By Zong Lor # 372943
On March 23, 1999, at 18 years old I was a gang-member
and I made a poor decision to shoot at rival gang members. I didn't intend to hurt anyone, but sadly someone died as a result. I'm very sorry for what I've done. I sincerely regret it and I wish I could undo it. I've been incarcerated for 16 1/2 years now and I have matured tremendously. I'm not a gang-member anymore and my institution record would support such conclusion. I have successfully completed both of my program requirements and many other volunteer programs. I have received excellent prison work-evaluatuions from work supervisors. And I have a strong family support system upon release. In my past I was a gang-member, but I refuse to allow my past to dictate my future. Today I am a caring man, concerned for my family, and very conscious of making good decisions in life. I humbly ask that society trust me again because I'm ready to contribute to my community in a positive way.
"The caterpillar dies to become a chrysalis. In the slumber of the chrysalis, the energies incubate and rearrange themselves, and a butterfly is born. Is the caterpillar the same being as the chrysalis or the butterfly?" -Deepak Chopra
Note: in a following note Zong Lor also states he has obtained excellent work evaluations form supervisors and has stayed out of trouble and never been a threat to the security of any institution.
Parole Commission statement 9 16 2011(48 month defer)
Today a No Action review was conducted for this case and it was determined to defer your next review for 48 months. This is your 1st incarceration and 12 years 6 months has been served of a 50 year sentence structure for 1st Deg RH w/u of Dang Wpn (PTAC) (45 yrs) and AU 1st Deg RI w/u of Dang Wpn (5 yrs CS). At the age of 19 y/o and after having been a member of the Asian Crips for five years, you and fellow gang members drove past a rival gang members home during which time you fired at the house. One member was shot and killed and another rival gang member was victim to your shooting; however he didn't suffer any injuries. Last month, at the initial hearing, you indicated that you take full responsibility for your actions and that you indeed did shoot the gun, but you didn't intend to kill anyone. When asked how you could shoot at a home and not expect someone to die, you explained that other members had shot at members of this rival gang in the past with no one dying; you didn't think someone would die because you weren't using a high powered gun like an AK 47, and you were only shooting to scare/warn them to stop shooting at your fellow gang members. You were convicted of Reckless Homicide instead of Intentional Homicide and it was explained at last month's hearing that the Commission is looking at the conviction; therefore intent is already factored in by virtue of the conviction. You had a record limited to a juvenile conviction of OVWOC which you report occurred when you were 13 y/o and a friend decided to break into a car so you rode along. In terms of your gang involvement you maintain that you outgrew the gang while incarcerated and haven't been involved for years. Institution adjustment has been positive with limited misconduct and involvement in self help programming. You've also obtained an HSED and completed VOC Ed Microsoft Office. You were employed and quit your job in May; but then began volunteering in the Servery and recently started working officially in paid status as of this week. You're proposing to reside with your parents in Milwaukee and that plan will need the eventual approval of your agent.
At a young age you chose to engage in very dangerous behavior which resulted in loss of life and a lengthy period of time should be served so as not to depreciate the seriousness of your actions with an early release in the near future. You're making the most of your incarceration time and you're urged to continue in that maimer. During your incarceration it will be importailt to demonstrate increased maturity and better decision making than was exhibited when you chose to shoot-at people to "send a message." That type of behavior put members of the community at risk and it's unfortunate that someone had to lose their life in order for you to understand the consequences that can result from shooting at people. Maintaining positive adjustment, serving more time, demonstrating better decision making and communication skills, and eventually transitioning through reduced levels of custody will all contribute toward mitigating your risk level.
**If you would like further clarification of the decision, and comments in the report, you may request an interpretive interview through the Social Worker.
Anthony Cook 182578;
FLCI; PO Box 200; Fox Lake, WI 53933
Anthony Cook was born in 1973, and is now 41. He was convicted in 1994 of attempted homicide and armed robbery. Has done all programming he is allowed and is told he cannot complete it until he is 18 months from Mandatory release date. Has been eligible for parole since 2003 and has seen the parole board 11 times. His story is below:
Eric Rivera 302971
Stanley Correctional Institution
100 Corrections Drive
Stanley, WI 54768
Eric has served 21 years of a 45 year sentence for reckless
homicide and reckless endangering safely. He is given the stock reason for no
parole- he needs to transition to a minimum facility ( where there are no
age when crime committed:19; date· March 1998
sentence:· 45 yrs/years in prison:21years
· 1st degree
reckless homicide
· 1st degree
recklessly endangering safety
main reasons for parole
He was told that he needed to
go down on security risk from medium to minimum,
birth year 1979;age : 39
age when crime committed:19; date· March 1998
sentence:· 45 yrs/years in prison:21years
· 1st degree
reckless homicide
· 1st degree
recklessly endangering safety
main reasons for parole
He was told that he needed to
go down on security risk from medium to minimum,
courses taken;other evidence
of rehabilitation.
· HSED /· Anger management /· AODA /· Production welding / CGIP (cognitive
general intervention program)/· Creating new choices/· Rational Emotive Behavior/· Turning Point 1,2,3/· Restored Justice/· Academic Classes general
curriculum/· College success
· MATC correspondence college
courses 2011-2012/· Occupation and Communication
· Workplace success/· Teach the Teacher
program—Gang Prevention
Black and Smart
Age when crime
committed: 18 yrs ( 1999 convicted)
Convicted of: Attempted
Homicide;party to armed robbery;possession of THC w/intent; use of a dangerous weapon
Length of sentence: 75 yrs
in prison to date: 17yrs , 9 months
How many Parole
hearings/reasons for denial: N/A
taken and other evidence of rehabilitation:
Anger Management;Tutor
Training ;Grief Support; Financial Literacy;Project
Citizen ;Restorative Justice;Vocational Printing,Communications,Baptized;Attended 2
prison fellowship seminars;Emmaus Correspondence
School;Source of Light Schools;Little Lambs
Graduate;Heart Cry Basic Bible Study Course;Men of the Bible Study;Truth Project Study;Not a Fan Study Christian Basics Study;Anger Control Study;member
of "set up" crew for
Church;currently enrolled in Shalom Seminary roughly 50 credits away from obtaining
a Bachelor's Degree in Ministry.
I have been published in THE UPPER ROOM & a poetry anthology
entitled WARRIOR POETS.. And just last month
I sent my very first
book to a publisher:E-Couragement from
a Prisoners Pen.
Paragraph regarding
"For the most part my coming of age in prison has
led to my actually LIKING who I AM! See my crime stemmed. from my not being ok
with my natural identity (NERD). Yeah that's me! So as a NERD 4 Jesus I'm ok
with being picked on & ostracized.
Now I can keep going in the face of my peers taunts of "stop acting
white..." Yes,it's ok to be Black &
smart. Praise God. So,all these many years later here I AM embodying the Judges advice to "use your God-given intelligence to go far in life."
Even so, being who I
AM,I came to realize that my own rehabilitation
isn't about obtaining the most accolades. I graduated high school & was an Honor Roll student before I came to prison, even skipped half a grade
& have well over a hundred "awards & certificates" from
school. That was then..."
Rufus West; "Lutalo" 225213
Green Bay Correctional Institution
PO Box 19033
Green Bay, WI 54307
Lutalo is one of the thousands of Milwaukee Blacks who were swept into
prison at the height of the prison boom. He was given his harsh sentence
as an " habitual criminal" after being charged with stealing a purse.
Later, he was sent to the Supermax after testifying in court to the
abuse and death of a prisoner near him. He won a lawsuit against that
establishment and that lawsuit caused the discontinuing of one of their
more egregious policies. He has transformed himself , works constantly
for justice and is an inspiration for many. He has been an important
counselor for FFUP.
In his words: “ I was
arrested 8-8-94,convicted of 1 count of armed robbery and possession of a
firearm by felon. The victim was not physically injured. I was sentenced to 28
years. I've had maybe 4 or5 parole hearings since then. The parole board has
denied me parole for the same cookie-cutter reasons: "Your institutional
conduct has not been satisfactory, your program participation has not been
satisfactory; release at this time would involve an unreasonable risk to the
public; you have not served sufficient time for punishment." It seems like
the longer I'm in prison gives the DOC more time to impose new programs on me
right around the time when I'm eligible for camp or parole. I've completed all
of the programs that I was initially given during my 1st few years in prison.
In other words, it appears as though I'll be forced to do programs up until the
day I'm released, whether I need the program or not.
In my decades as a
prisoner, I'm cognizant of the fact that every prison sentence has its own
uniqueness. However, it's hard for me to ignore that since the implementation
of Truth- In -Sentencing, I have seen prisoners sentenced for murder under TIS
serve less time than I have, some who have even come back to prison. For the
parole board to continue to block my release because it claims that I'm still
the same person that I was 24 years ago, 10 years ago, or even one year ago is
unfair. I've received certificates for completing the HSED, Building Services
vocational trade, Restorative Justice, Financial Literacy, some type of
Driver's Ed. class, and on my own I completed the Paralegal Correspondence
Course from Ohio University. I have a solid parole release plan with support
from friends. I'm not a troubled prisoner. I find myself mentoring a lot of
these youth coming into these prisons on how to stay out of trouble. I have
plans to stay out of prison once I'm out. All I need is a chance.”
Randall Toth 180498

RGCI;PO Box 925;Red Granite, WI 54970
Randall was sentenced to life in 1999 for
homicide, which then meant that with good behavior he would be released on
parole after 13 1/2 years. He has completed all the required programming he can
get into, however there is no AODA programming at the prison he is in. He has
completed many voluntary programs and has 36 college credits under his belt. He
has strong family support. His parents' letter says it best:
From letter by his parents, Dan & Diane
" After waiting over 16 years, Randy has
finally been allowed to take the Fundamentals of Baking Vocational course at
Redgranite. He has now gotten his ServSafe Certificate, as of 7/28/2015. He has
36 college credits, and has maintained an “A“ average throughout. He has a
certificate from LSU in Liberal Studies and is working on a Degree from
Indiana. In addition, he has received excellent reviews from everyone he has
worked for and hasn’t had even a minor infraction in over 10 years.
The main reasons he was denied parole in 2012 were, "You haven't
served enough time" or "you haven't met your program needs."
With his vocational course done, all he has left is the AODA. He did take an
AODA program when he was at GBCI, but was told by PRC and Parole reps it wasn’t
the "right" one and they refuse to give him credit for it. The parole
board reps need to talk to the staff members at the prisons that interact with
inmates to get a better idea of who they really are, and how they have bettered
themselves, and why they should be released. Randy was an angry drug addict
when he committed his crime, and he has dealt with those issues while in
prison. He has earned 15 different certificates from programs he has completed
over the years, and stays involved with positive activities. He has become a
role model to other inmates, and has earned the respect of many, many staff
members. Randy is very remorseful and will feel guilt for his actions for the
rest of his life. Furthermore, he has paid his debt to society. He is
constantly helping others and encouraging them to better themselves. Randy has
become a very good person to other inmates who need to talk to someone, those
that don’t have family support and feel lost. He would make a very good speaker for young men
and women who are going down the wrong path; he has done it with the BRICK
program and he felt very good about that and hoped it helped at least one of
those kids.
Upon release, he has a stable place to live, and
a realistic plan for success. We hope you can see the reasons Randy needs to be
paroled so he can be a productive citizen again and no longer a burden to the
taxpayers. We and many others stand by him and give him the moral support to
continue to do positive things, and prove he is a changed man. He would also
want to become involved in the community when released and volunteer for youth
groups, teach music, or help them understand the path they are on is the wrong
eligible and ready for parole,been model prisoners When is time enough?
Randy Rotta ( 80599 , SCI, 100 Corrections Drive; Stanley, WI 54768)
has been in prison for 37 years. His wife still waits.

. Born in 1957, he was sentenced to life at the age of
23(6/19/81) and is now 61. He has served 37 years. When Sentenced a life
sentence meant he would be paroled after 11.3 years were served if he showed
himself ready.
Randy killed a woman in a drunken jealous rage
after waking up to find her in bed with another. We believe his remorse over
this act and passion for self improvement are genuine. He has seen the parole
board over 29 times, received a grant recommendation from Mr Landreman in 2007 which
was amended to a D-11 by Chairman Graham.
Mr Rotta has not had a conduct report for 8
years. IN fact in 2000 Charles Night, the addiction treatment coordinator at
the Whiteville correctional Facility applauded the positive behavior changes he
had made and recommended level V AODA treatment be dropped from requirements.
He has an impressive list of accomplishments including furniture Finishing
Certificate 1984, Cabinet making certificate 1994; Bachelor of Science Degree
from St John’s University 1999. Programs completed include DAEP 1988(drug
alcohol education);all reentry modules; “Inmates making a positive attempt to
Correct Teens Project 1994; CGIP, Restorative Justice seminar (2011) AODA,
Anger Management (2015) He did successful work release between 2011 and 2014.
All these skills and programs plus his supportive wife show that Randy Rotta is
indeed ready to be a contributing member of Society.
Robert R. Taylor 181190
Kenosha Corr Cen
6353 14th Avenue
Kenosha, WI 53143
Born, 1954, now 68. Sentenced to 50 years in 1998 for robbery, no one
go hurt.
He was the driver. Has been in prison for 20 years. Has son
who just finished
high school and is still waiting to get to know his
age when -arrested 41/
age- now 61
Convicted of, party to a crime of armed robbery
date eligible for parole 2012
Reason for denial:release at this time would involve an unreasonable risk to the
public, and You have Not served sufficient time for punishment.
"For twenty years I have been nothing but a model prisoner, I have never been to Segregation,
I have in the twenty years that I been incarcerated 1 Major ticket
and that was stopping another inmate from fighting me. I have taken and
finish all recommended programming and more, I
have held a job and went to school for 19 years. when is enough, enough? I am not justifying my crime, but
fairness is something that I have
not,gotten, my two co-defendants both got ten years they went into the bank, I was the driver, no one got
hurt, and both of then have been home for 16 years and I am still stuck
in prison. I am told that I have not served
enough time, how much time is enough?"
Lawrence Williams III #315678;
WCI, PO Box 351, Waupun, WI 53963
was convicted of 10 counts of Armed & Attempted Robbery and 1 count
of Attempted First Degree Intentional Homicide. Party-to-a-crime to all
counts. The enormous 130-year sentence he received does not make sense
and he also needs to be aided in getting that reduced..
Here is his statement:”When I was incarcerated, I was 19
years young with no education and no intentions on getting any because I
thought I didn't need it. At whatever rate, it wasn't long before I realized
that being dumb wasn't cool nor beneficial to a meaningful life. After earning
my HSED in 1998, I've achieved certificates such as: Baptism, Workplace
Success, Occupational Communication, Student Success, Vocational Math, Tutorial
Literacy Training, Welding & Production Welding and other miscellaneous
certificates. Now at 38 years young, I can say with certainty that education is
a must for all people, being knowledgeable and skilled in many areas you have
the wherewithal to make better life choices.”
The above statement tells of his changes- he is not the
man he was at 18. He has loving family waiting for him and begs for a second chance.
above statement tells of his changes - he is not the man he was at 18.
He has a loving family waiting for him and begs for a second chance.
Harlan Richards 37975
SCI 100 Corrections Drive, Stanley, WI 54968
Harlan Richard's crime was unpremeditated and will never be
repeated. He is 60 and has been in prison for 30 years.. He has continuously
shown himself to be is a man deeply spiritual and an asset to all those around
him. He writes beautiful poetry -recommended reading:
Harlan Richards Books at Prisonsfoundation.org
I was involved in a spontaneous fight in 1984 where I stabbed a much larger man to death. He attacked me without
provocation. I was sentenced to life in prison at aged 30 and have spent 32
Years in Prison. I spent 8 1/2 years
in maximum security and 9 years in
medium security. I obtained a bachelor of
science degree in business administration from UW Platteville majoring in marketing in December 1997. I completed
anger management in 1994.In 2002, I transferred to minimum security and in
2005 I transferred to a work release
center. I spent 19 months on work
release. In 2008, the parole commission increased my defer based on my current offense and prior criminal
record and sent me back to a minimum security prison. In 2010, I received a shorter defer and returned to a work release
center where I drove a state van unescorted
over 30,000 miles throughout north western
In 2011, the parole commission again increased
my defer based solely on my current offense and prior criminal record and
I was returned to medium security where I have been housed since January 2011.reasons for parole denial: Unreasonable risk to the public and have not served sufficient time for
Golden Gilbert 299928; OCI, Po Box 938, Oregon, WI 53575
Born in 1987, is now 37. Was sentenced to 40 years for armed
robbery, party to a
crime. No shots were fired, No one hurt. He has served 15 of those
, He was
parole eligible first in 2009. Here he is with his fiance'
and her daughter. He has full family support.
Coming: radio interview with his mother
Charles E Jackson 228061 OSCI
1990, at the height of the tough on crime craze, Charles go
a life sentence for party to the crime of murder. He is a good example of injustice
of the "party to a crime" rules, for those who have the least to do
with it are often given the toughest sentence. His three defendants which
includes the shooter have been out for many years.
Charles has never been to a parole hearing. The co defendants had
more information and more to deal with.
45 years old, born in Memphis, TN. Sept. 17th
21 years old (1990)when arrested, during an
election year when “tough on crime” was the
mantra .
Convicted of - Party To A
Crime of First Degree homicide. Although I was
not the person shot or killed anyone I was
sentenced to life in prison - while the actual shooter
remains at large. I was given a parole date set after serving a 50 year prison sentence
Life - in the year of January 1st. 2041.There
was other co-defendant on my case that was charged
with the same charge as I was only he later got those reduces
after taking a peal deal. There should have been (3) people charged along with myself - my co-defendant and third the
actual shooter - who escape
justice due to the district and police taking
short cuts to attain justice.
I never been up for parole due to sentence structure and
it should be noted
this was my first time ever conviction.
Since my conviction
I have achieved my HSED - gotten a degree in building and maintenance, and wish to attain another degree in the culinary arts. I have also completed two stages
of anger management, while I am eager
to do more – unfortunately because of
lengthy sentence structure I have been placed several other program waiting list with a low
priority need.
Adenda on unfair legal rules enacted
at the time that impacted the poor. In the year of my arrest and conviction October
17th 1990 it was an election year
state representatives and another Law enforcement
agents made a promise to be more tougher on
crime. In either the mid
or early 90's the president signed a bill into law gave anyone convicted of a major capital offense, such first degree murder a one year dead line to
file an federal appeal to their
into the courts. This was erroneous
and harmful to pro se litigants due to the fact
that the majority of defendants are Black and from poor low income families. Most African Americans
that are incarceration represents about 75% of the prison population where
Blacks makes up
about 15% of the people
living in the state of Wisconsin. These are poor men and women that are
at the time of
their arrest and conviction can not read or
write or afford proper legal
representation. I was and am one of those statistics.
Charles Jackson's full letter
Truman Anderson #309865
RGCI; PO Box 925; Red Granite;WI
have been incarcerated since the age of sixteen for a crime I
committed nineteen years ago with two other teenagers. In March of 1995,
we went to the house of a man who was known to be in possession of
marijuana Our intention was to rob him of the drug but the evening did
not turn out the way any of us would’ve imagined.
BY ANY MEANS Necessary
The lengths Wisconsin is going to prevent parole-eligible inmates from going home.
Are Wisconsin's remaining parole-eligible prisoners being refused release
based on criteria that is not consistent with statutory law or
administrative guidelines? The level of disappointment these inmates and
their families must feel every time their impending parole date
approaches. These hearings no longer involve legitimate consideration for
release. Instead they have become little more than a date when the parole
commissioner will show up to their assigned facility to formally justify
their recommendation for continued confinement. The actual discretion that
was once used in deciding whether or not to grant parole has been abandoned
in favor of predetermined deferments, that have been conferred amongst
the commission, in the absence of the prospective parolee. These practices
have resulted in perfunctory hearings where the inmate is present, as they
serve no purpose other than to justify the decisions made earlier amongst
Zong Lor 372443
SCI 100 Corrections Drive
Stanley, WI 54768
Lor is Hmong/ Asian American. Born IN 1980, he is 34 and has been
incarcerated since 1999. Was 18 years old at arrest and a gang member.
Record in Prisoner has been excellent and has satisfies all program
needs. Was given a 48 month defer at last hearing .
Identification: Zong Lor D.O.C. # 372943
Date & Age at Incarceration: March 23, 1999- 18 Years Old
Age Now: 35 Years Old. Born on April 24, 1980
Length of Sentence: 50 Years
Convicted of: 1st Degree Reckless Homicide and Recklessly Endangering Safety
Number of Times to Parole: 1
Excuses Given For Denial: "Release at this time would involve an unreasonable risk to the public" & "You have NOT served sufficient time for punishment".
Programs taken: Successfully completed H.S.E..D. & Voc. Ed. Statement By Zong Lor # 372943
On March 23, 1999, at 18 years old I was a gang-member
and I made a poor decision to shoot at rival gang members. I didn't intend to hurt anyone, but sadly someone died as a result. I'm very sorry for what I've done. I sincerely regret it and I wish I could undo it. I've been incarcerated for 16 1/2 years now and I have matured tremendously. I'm not a gang-member anymore and my institution record would support such conclusion. I have successfully completed both of my program requirements and many other volunteer programs. I have received excellent prison work-evaluatuions from work supervisors. And I have a strong family support system upon release. In my past I was a gang-member, but I refuse to allow my past to dictate my future. Today I am a caring man, concerned for my family, and very conscious of making good decisions in life. I humbly ask that society trust me again because I'm ready to contribute to my community in a positive way.
"The caterpillar dies to become a chrysalis. In the slumber of the chrysalis, the energies incubate and rearrange themselves, and a butterfly is born. Is the caterpillar the same being as the chrysalis or the butterfly?" -Deepak Chopra
in a following note Zong Lor also states he has obtained excellent work
evaluations form supervisors and has stayed out of trouble and never
been a threat to the security of any institution.
Parole Commission statement 9 16 2011(48 month defer)
a No Action review was conducted for this case and it was determined to
defer your next review for 48 months. This is your 1st incarceration
and 12 years 6 months has been served of a 50 year sentence structure
for 1st Deg RH w/u of Dang Wpn (PTAC) (45 yrs) and AU 1st Deg RI w/u of
Dang Wpn (5 yrs CS). At the age of 19 y/o and after having been a member of the Asian Crips for
five years, you and fellow gang members drove past a rival gang members
home during which time you fired at the house. One member was shot and
killed and another rival gang member was victim to your shooting;
however he didn't suffer any injuries. Last month, at the initial
hearing, you indicated that you take full responsibility for your
actions and that you indeed did shoot the gun, but you didn't intend to kill anyone. When asked how you could shoot at a home and not expect someone to die, you explained that other
members had shot at members of this rival gang in the past with no one
dying; you didn't think someone would die because you weren't using a high powered gun like an AK 47, and you were only shooting to scare/warn them to stop shooting at your fellow gang members. You were convicted of Reckless Homicide instead of Intentional Homicide and it was explained at last month's hearing
that the Commission is looking at the conviction; therefore intent is
already factored in by virtue of the conviction. You had a record limited to a juvenile conviction of OVWOC which you report occurred when you were 13 y/o and a friend decided to break into a car so you rode along. In terms of your gang involvement you maintain that you outgrew the gang while incarcerated and haven't been involved for years. Institution adjustment has been positive with limited misconduct and involvement in self help programming. You've also obtained an HSED and completed VOC Ed Microsoft Office. You were employed and quit your job in May; but then began volunteering in the Servery and recently started working officially in paid status as of this week. You're proposing to reside with your parents in Milwaukee and that plan will need the eventual approval of your agent.
a young age you chose to engage in very dangerous behavior which
resulted in loss of life and a lengthy period of time should be served
so as not to depreciate the seriousness of your actions with an early
release in the near future. You're making the most of your incarceration time and you're urged to continue in that maimer. During your incarceration it will be importailt to demonstrate increased maturity and better decision making than was exhibited when you chose to shoot-at people to "send a message." That type of
behavior put members of the community at risk and it's unfortunate that
someone had to lose their life in order for you to understand the
consequences that can result from shooting at people. Maintaining
positive adjustment, serving more time, demonstrating
better decision making and communication skills, and eventually
transitioning through reduced levels of custody will all contribute toward mitigating your risk level.
you would like further clarification of the decision, and comments in
the report, you may request an interpretive interview through the Social Worker.
Anthony Cook 182578;
FLCI; PO Box 200; Fox Lake, WI 53933
Cook was born in 1973, and is now 41. He was convicted in 1994 of
attempted homicide and armed robbery. Has done all programming he is
allowed and is told he cannot complete it until he is 18 months from
Mandatory release date. Has been eligible for parole since 2003 and has
seen the parole board 11 times. His story is below:
Eric Rivera 302971
Stanley Correctional Institution
100 Corrections Drive
Stanley, WI 54768
Eric has served 21 years of a 45 year sentence for reckless
homicide and reckless endangering safely. He is given the stock reason for no
parole- he needs to transition to a minimum facility ( where there are no
age when crime committed:19; date· March 1998
sentence:· 45 yrs/years in prison:21years
· 1st degree
reckless homicide
· 1st degree
recklessly endangering safety
main reasons for parole
He was told that he needed to
go down on security risk from medium to minimum,
birth year 1979;age : 39
age when crime committed:19; date· March 1998
sentence:· 45 yrs/years in prison:21years
· 1st degree
reckless homicide
· 1st degree
recklessly endangering safety
main reasons for parole
He was told that he needed to
go down on security risk from medium to minimum,
courses taken;other evidence
of rehabilitation.
· HSED /· Anger management /· AODA /· Production welding / CGIP (cognitive
general intervention program)/· Creating new choices/· Rational Emotive Behavior/· Turning Point 1,2,3/· Restored Justice/· Academic Classes general
curriculum/· College success
· MATC correspondence college
courses 2011-2012/· Occupation and Communication
· Workplace success/· Teach the Teacher
program—Gang Prevention
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