new campaign= your emails and letters needed

NEW: HELP OPEN PAROLE with your support letters and emails to Parole Chairman TATE! Starting September first 2021,we will be posting stories and documents of prisoners asking for support letters to Parole Chairman Tate for their upcoming hearings and Tate's review. Their documents will be here to provide proof of statements made and we ask that readers consider helping by writing or emailing the chairman. Before I started this work , I wrote regularly for Amnesty International- they would send out stories of those needing support in struggles against foreign totalitarian regimes and it helped. Now we can do the same here for a for people entombed in a system that destroys them , their communities and families- ALL COMMISSION DECISIONS ARE REVIEWED BY THE CHAIRMAN and he does overrule, so you letters can make a big difference. please help. Peg Swan, Founder, Forum for Understanding Prisons ( FFUP),a 501c3 non-profit,

Monday, February 24, 2020

Doug Drankiewicz Continues Unfair Deferrals

On February 14, nine days after the Parole Commission meeting where Chairman Tate laid out expectation that commissioners would be pursuing releases rather than making excuses for deferrals, Commissioner Doug Drankiewicz did Ronnie Schultz an injustice in keeping with his old ways.

We wrote a letter to Tate, requesting that we reverse Drankiewicz's decision and grant Ronnie a release. This is not the only example we've received of DOC officials and commissioners continuing to obstruct release of people sentenced under the old law.

The Program Review Committee (PRC) and the Bureau of Classification and Movement (BOCM) are the main parts of the DOC that are causing these snags, and we hope Chairman Tate will grant release for Ronnie and others like him, regardless of whether BOCM and PRC have cooperated with his expectations or not. 
Ronnie Schultz

Ronnie asked us to share his story, if you know someone serving time under the old law who would also like their story told, please send it to us. We can leave off their name or identifying details if they're worried about retaliation by DOC or Parole Commissioners.

If you'd like to write support letters to Ronnie Schultz, his address is: 

Ronnie Schultz
Oshkosh Correctional Institution
PO Box 3310
Oshkosh, WI 54903-3310

Hello Chairperson Tate,
I recently received a letter from a prisoner named Ronnie Schultz. Ronnie was deferred without fair reason by Doug Drankiewicz on February 14. Drankiewicz had incorrect information about old conduct reports, where Mr. Schultz mother lives, and wouldn't accept programming Mr Schultz had completed. I've included Mr Schultz's letter below so you can see the details and a little more about him.
