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Juan Navarro 136027; WSPF |
He is 72, has had a stroke and surgery and has been eligible for parole since 1993. Juan had two witnesses who testified that he was attacked by a man with a knife and he shot in self defense. But he was convicted anyway and ordered deported. And again the system failed him: because we have no treaty for deportation with Mexico, he has been buried in maximum security prisons in WI for 40 years. His niece waits for his release and gladly offers him a home and the support he needs .
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Wendy Mann-Flores, Juan's Niece |
We find that those wrongly convicted have the hardest time in prison= the daily humiliation and abuse is especially hard on those who feel they should not be there at all. And for Juan, who did not know the language well, it has been especially hard.
After you look at the documents and details posted here, please write a letter to Wisconsin Parole Chairman John Tate asking for the release of Juan Navarro
Here is a Template:
Tate, Chairman
WI Parole
PO Box
WI 53707
email: john.tate@wisconsin.gov
RE: Parole for Juan Navarro 1316027 WSPF
Chairman Tate:
I ask you to address a heartbreaking miscarriage of Justice. Juan Navarro, a citizen of Mexico with a green card, killed a man 40 years ago and has been eligible for parole since 1993. There were two witnesses testifying that he acted in self defense but he was convicted anyway. The judge ordered him deported but here he still sits.
He recently had a parole hearing where he was again denied. The parole denial statement hamnered again on his crime 40 years ago. Innocent or not, this man has served his sentence and under the law which was in place when he was sentenced, he has been eligible for parole for decades.
Prison has been especially hard for Juan because he does not know the language well and is easily taken advantage of. He is 72 years old , has had a stroke and two surgeries; he has a niece pleading for his release so he can spend his last years with her.
Please do the right thing and release this man. It is time.
I thank you for your attention.
your name and contact information
Letter to John Tate from activist BenTurk:
From: BEN TURK [mailto:insurgent.ben@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, August 9, 2021 12:55 PM
To: DOC Parole Commission <DOCParoleComm@wisconsin.gov>
Subject: Support letter for Juan Navarro
I am writing to support the release of Juan Navarro. Juan is a Mexican national who has been eligible for parole since 1993. He wants to be released so he can be deported to Mexico.
I cannot imagine any reasonable or fair explanation for continuing his imprisonment. Why could it be in the interests of the people of Wisconsin to hold this aging man in our prisons rather than letting him go home to Mexico, where at least the legal system won't neglect and mistreat him for not knowing the language and for being brown.
Thank you, Ben Turk
Now for the details and documents:
in his latest letter, Juan explains in a letter that the Judge in his case did not give the jury the choice of a self defense or manslaughter option (see)https://ffupcases.files.wordpress.com/2021/10/juan-navarro-jury-inst.pdf
here is his conviction story:
But whether you believe he is innocent of murder or not- this man has served his time. When he was convicted, a life sentence meant 12 years and the parole if you showed yourself ready for release- that all changed with the 90's prison bill and now prisoners are big money . Juan's niece waits for him to come home. He is old and sick and there is no justification in holding him.
Here are Juan's deportation documents and he health documents: https://ffupstuff.files.wordpress.com/2020/06/juan-navarro-joc-and-docs-health.pdf
Juan's application for executive Clemency:
Please send an email to the parole Chairman John Tate. He will be reviewing the parole commission's decisions and often give people a second chance by overruling their almost universal denials.. .
Any questions, feel free to contact us at pgswan3@aol.com
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